

New Dialing Procedure

By | Service Updates

Introduction of the new 572 area code

所有客户 由405区号服务的用户应准备开始10位拨号 and the introduction of the new 572 area code. The 572 area code will be added as an overlay to the 405 region. An overlay is the addition of another area 代码(572)到由现有区号(405)所服务的同一地理区域。.

The OCC ordered an area code overlay for the 405 Area Code on 1月uary 8, 2020.  An Overlay不需要客户改变他们现有的区号,但是需要 require customers to dial the area code to complete local 调用.

Beginning 4月il 24, 2021, 所有在俄克拉何马州405区号内拨打的本地电话必须使用10位数字 (area code + the 7-digit telephone number).   

Beginning May 24, 2021, 新的电话线路或服务可以使用新的572区域分配号码 code. 

The key facts for consumers to know about the upcoming 405/572 area code overlay are:

  • Your current telephone number, including current area code, will not change.
  • If you seek new phone service on and after May 24, 2021, you may be assigned a phone number with the 572 area code. 
  • You will need to dial area code + telephone number for all local 调用, including 调用 within the same area code.
  • You will continue to dial 1 + area code + telephone number for all long distance 调用. 
  • What is a local call now will remain a local call.
  • The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
  • You can still dial just three digits to reach 911.  You can also dial three digits to reach 211 and 811, as well as 311 and 511, where available. 

请记得将您的电话号码确定为10位数字,并在给朋友时包括区号, 家庭, business associates and customers, 等.

Customers should ensure all services, automatic dialing equipment, 应用程序, 软件, 或者其他类型的设备被重新编程为拨打10位数字,如果它们被编程为拨打7位数字, and recognize the new 572 area code as a valid area code.  Examples include life-safety systems, 传真机, Internet dial-up numbers, alarm and security systems, 盖茨, ankle monitors, 速拨号器, mobile phone contact lists, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions.  Be sure to check your business stationery, advertising materials, personal checks, 以及你的个人或宠物身份标签,以确保你的电话号码中包含了区号.

Important safety and security equipment, such as medical alert devices, 警报和安全系统必须设置为使用10位数拨号.  许多系统默认使用10位拨号,但一些较旧的设备可能仍然使用7位.  如果您不确定您的设备是否需要重新编程以适应即将到来的10位本地拨号,请联系您的医疗警报或安全提供商.  任何需要重新编程的报警和家庭安全设备必须在2021年4月24日之前完成. 

Remember that all local 呼叫必须用10位数字编程,所有长途电话都要加“1” 调用. 

For additional information, please visit the OCC website at http://oklahoma.gov/occ/divisions/public-utility/telephone/405exhaust.html  or contact your local telephone service provider. 

National Do Not Call Registry

By | Consumer Alert


全国不接电话(DNC)登记给你一个机会来限制你收到的电话营销电话. Once you register your phone number, 全国不打电话登记所涵盖的电话推销员从你登记之日起最多有31天的时间停止打电话给你.



Can I register online?

是的. 您可以在www上注册或验证您的号码是否在线注册.donotcall.政府. The online registration process requires an active email address. 如果你在网上注册,mg游戏大厅会给你发一封带有链接的电子邮件. 您需要在72小时内点击电子邮件中的链接以完成您的注册. If you do not have an email address, 可以通过电话(1-888-382-1222)和TTY(1-866-290-4236)进行注册。.

How soon after I register will I notice a reduction in 调用?


What if I change my mind? Can I take my number off the National Do-Not-Call registry?

您可以通过拨打免费电话1-888-382-1222删除您的电话号码. After you contact the registry to delete it, it will be removed from the DNC registry by the next day. 但电话营销人员最多有31天的时间访问你删除的信息,并将你的号码重新添加到他们的电话列表中, if they choose to.

How long does my phone number stay registered?

注册表上的电话号码只有在断开连接并重新分配时才会被删除, or when the consumer chooses to remove a number from the registry.

Consumer Alert: Caller ID and Spoofing

By | Consumer Alert
当来电者故意伪造传送到来电显示的信息以掩盖其身份时,就会发生“欺骗”. 欺骗通常被用来欺骗某人提供有价值的个人信息,以便用于欺诈活动或非法销售. U.S. law and FCC rules prohibit most types of spoofing. mg游戏大厅的办公室已经接到了PTC(列车自动控制系统)客户的通知,骗子假装成PTC(列车自动控制系统)员工,要求他们提供个人信息,向他们出售产品. mg游戏大厅通过为每个帐户分配一个只有您和mg游戏大厅公司知道的唯一密码来努力保护您的个人信息. 一些客户选择在自己的账户中添加额外的联系人,并与他们共享自己的密码,这样他们也可以通过身份验证. Did you know that you can authenticate the people that call you? If you cannot confirm a caller’s identity, 只要挂掉电话,拨一个你可以确认的个人或公司的号码给对方. 例如, 您可以挂断电话,拨打800-522-3221确认您正在与波塔瓦托米电话公司的员工通话. For more information on spoofing go to: http://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/spoofing-and-caller-id  For more information on Caller ID go to: http://transition.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/callerid.pdf

3 Ways to Improve Your WiFI

By | 帮助提示

mg游戏大厅公司知道你的家庭Wi-Fi对你有多重要,mg游戏大厅希望它能全天候为你提供最高性能. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your Wi-Fi at home.


Look for Interferences

Routers often compete for airwaves with other household devices. Rival devices such as cordless phones, Bluetooth speakers, microwave ovens, and baby monitors can impact your WiFi network.  To help you pinpoint issues, 你可以使用像HeatMapper这样的免费工具创建一个你所在地区的WiFi“热”地图. By the way, Netspot works for Macs. 你也可以使用免费的Android版Wifi Analyzer这样的应用程序,它有一个实时信号强度计.


Reboot Your Modem

Most users have to reboot their modem from time to time. 如果您的网络看起来很慢,或者您的设备无法连接到调制解调器. Unplug your modem for at least 30 seconds. Sometimes that’s all it takes.


Change Location

影响Wifi网络连接的另一个重要因素是它的物理位置. Try placing your router as close to the center of your home as possible. 把它放在高处,远离家具和电器等物理障碍物也是个好主意.


You may also avoid reflective surfaces like glass, 镜子, 以及金属,因为Wi-Fi信号往往会从这些材料上反射回来. 墙壁,尤其是混凝土墙,也会严重降低你的Wifi信号.


We Are Here to Help

拨打800-522-3221安排50美元的安装来重新安置调制解调器插座或通过电话重新启动调制解调器获得免费帮助. mg游戏大厅有一个24/7/365的技术支持服务台,随时准备接听您的电话,当地技术人员从早上8点到晚上8点,周末从早上8点到晚上8点.